Name: Kokeiro Kage
In Japanese: 苔色かげ
In Hiragana: こけいろかげ
Voice actor: Tsumuntema
Gender: male
Age: 25 years old
Height: 160 cm (5′ 3″)
Weight: 51.6 kg (114 lb)
Hair: none
Eyes: orange scornful “Jito” eyes
Body color: moss green
Skin: smooth and plump
Species: Japanese grass lizard
Likes: moss, insects
Weak in: snakes, birds, cats
Lives in: in mossy places
Hobbies: growing moss and music
Skill: singing loudly in the garden and upsetting his mom
Wearing: white scarf
Favorite line: “I’ll sing until the moss grows!”
Birthday: Apr. 15th, 2021 (the character was born)
Anniversary: May 16th, 2021 (the first voicebank distributed date)